
The Sword of Kaigen & Where Loyalties Lie - Special Editions

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

SPFBO winners 'The Sword of Kaigen' by M.L. Wang and 'Where Loyalties Lie' by Rob J. Hayes get extra special editions... with a twist!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

$250k Stretch Goal Reached!
about 2 months ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 07:13:29 AM

Hi everyone!

Shortly after we left for the weekend, y'all helped us cross the $250k stretch goal! Thanks so much! With that threshold passed, the dust jackets for each book will be printed on thicker, higher-quality paper. This has been a highly requested addition to our books, so we're excited to be able to add that to these gorgeous editions. 

Next up, at $400k, each book will get custom-illustrated printed page edges rather than the current one-color page edge printing! Let's see how quickly we can get there!

Another stretch goal down and an incredible start to the campaign!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 05:26:51 AM

Holy smokes everyone!

After logging off for the day yesterday we had no idea what we'd come back to this morning, and we were nothing short of shocked at the turnout for these books! 

At the end of the day yesterday, y'all helped us blow past the $150k stretch goal, securing our ability to continue this special line of books next year! Thank you so much!

Next up, at 250k, we'll be able to upgrade the paper on the dust jackets, ensuring— like the books and bookmarks— that they are more durable! Y'all already helped us get a good way there, let's see how quickly we can make it the rest of the way!

$100k Stretch Goal Reached!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 09:00:59 AM

Hi everyone! 

Y'all have made it a wild morning for us! In less than 3 hours, we have smashed through our funding goal as well as our first three stretch goals! The most recent of which is our $100k goal, which increases the interior paper thickness of each book! This upgrade will not only make the books more durable, but will give them a more premium feel!

Next up, reaching the $150k stretch goal will help us ensure that we can continue adding titles to this line of books, starting next year with 2 more SPFBO winners! Let's see how fast we can get there!

$50k Stretch Goal Unlocked!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 06:46:25 AM

Hi everyone!

Well, here we are! About 45 minutes into the campaign and you all helped us reach our second stretch goal! Thank you! Now that we've reached $50k, all of the bookmarks will be printed on thicker paper stock!

Next up, at $100k, each of the books will be the ones getting thicker, higher-quality paper! Not only will this make them more durable, but it will give each book a higher-quality feel!

See you all in the next update!

Funded and First Stretch Goal Unlocked!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM

Hi all!

What a whirlwind start to this campaign! 

First, y'all helped us reach our funding goal in just about 6 minutes, which is a new record for a Wraithmarked project! Thank you so much!

By the time we got the stretch goal graphic updated on the campaign and started writing this update, we crossed the threshold for our first stretch goal! Also in record time! Now, after crossing that $25k funding level, each book will get a custom foil design on the back of the dust jacket to match the designs on the front! We'll post an update or two in the future once we get those designs finalized!

Next up, at $50k, each of the bookmarks will be printed on thicker, higher-quality paper stock! Let's see if we can reach that one in record time too!